Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's hard being a dad!

Well, I wanted to just put a small post up about what I've had to do.  Maybe for some insight into the mind of a man going through this or hopefully to prepare some men for going through this phase of the adoption process.  We had to make a tough choice on accepting a huge project for work or letting it go so I could stay in country with Rachel the entire time.  After much prayer, we decided to let God take care of the timing and accept the work he was providing for us.  I'm getting better at trusting God, or so I thought.

Today is the second day that I've been back in the US.  The first day was all flying and I'm still somewhat out of it, but I am missing my wife.  It hit me as we prayed friday night, that I was leaving my wife in a strange country with limited communication, a few friends and the facilitation team contacts.  I travel all the time, but leaving her was hard.  As we prayed, I accepted the fact that God loves her more than I ever could and that I had to give her up to our LORD.  I miss the boys too!  I can't tell you how much I bonded with them in the few short hours we had.  So Dads, if you are going to come back and leave your wife "in country", make sure to pray and to trust....He will be faithful!  And every time you start to miss your lovely wife, let it be a reminder to pray for her and the time she is spending with your children.

In Christ,


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